
Understanding the problem is more than half the
Please, download or view this concise pdf guide for preparations for a bed bug extermination service.

A person without experience and skill will overlook what appears insignificant to the novice. An experienced and skilled person, however, knows the significance of even benign looking slits, gaps and cracks. Hence, these spots are carefully inspected and treated as required to avoid a relapse.
Here you have 2 factory made holes in an Ikea bunk bed. These small spaces are sheltering almost a dozen bed bugs of varying sizes. Not to mention all the other spaces in this bed frame and other bed components.

Knowledge of Bed Bug preferences and their instinctual behaviour guides our exterminators to direct their resources to all the possible features present in any situation.
Every household has their unique lifestyle. A knowledgeable technician will have the necessary insight into the spaces that the bed bugs can leverage for their survival.
We avoid unnecessary follow ups by addressing the problem fully right from the get-go.